Youth of All Ages Welcome

Our “kid-tested, parent-approved” ministry to kids is precisely that… a MINISTRY. Our team knows that time is too short and the task of training kids as disciples of Christ is too vital to spend time baby-sitting. That’s why we strive to give the kids a strong foundation of Biblical principals and encourage them to start a relationship with the Holy Spirit from a young age, equipping them to stand strong in this challenging age!
Our team is focused and dedicated to seeing children grow in Christ! God commands, “Love the Lord thy God with all thine heart…And thou shalt teach [the same] diligently unto thy children.” (Deut. 6:5,7) Our ministries to children and youth affirm with fresh determination, “WE WILL tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done…so the next generation would know them…and they in turn would tell their children!”(Psalm 78:4,6)

Infants & Toddlers

Babies and toddlers are in the best of hands in our nursery ministry! Once parents check their children in, the kids receive care and love by our skilled team of dedicated workers. Parents relax and enjoy the service, knowing that their little one is safe and secure.

Ages 3 and 4 have a class just for them. They learn the Bible in a loving, fun environment, with experienced and dedicated teachers.


Who says learning God’s Word should be dry and boring?? The Bible is “living and active,” and that’s what we want our ministry to be. Games, video segments, visual aids, stories, contests, small groups and more help capture their attention, and engage them in the greatest life-pursuit of all, growing to be a fully-devoted follower of Christ!
Junior Youth

This group is for ages 10-13. With Bible teaching and fun that will engage them right at their age level, this group helps pre-teens grow in their walk with God. Junior Youth Group meets in the Youth Room on Sunday mornings during church.

Senior Youth

1 Timothy 4:12 “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
The senior youth group is for ages 14-18 and meets Thursday nights at 7pm in the Youth Room at Celebrate. No sign-ups necessary. See you there! Contact us if transportation is needed.
Plenty of Room to Play and Learn!

Got Questions?

Jennifer Johnston currently serves as a leader for the youth ministry at Celebrate Family Church. She loves working with teens and desires that they would seek God and grow closer to Him. She also leads the youth group that meets at the church on Thursday nights. She started serving as a Jr. youth leader in 2014. She then attended Elim Bible Institute and college to earn her Associate’s Degree in Applied Biblical Science. Jennifer enjoys baking, reading a good book, hiking, and being with friends and family.
Got questions? Feel free to reach to Jennifer at Jennifer@icelebrate.org or by calling the church office at (585) 382-9830
See What We Are All About!
Come Visit Us Sunday at 10am!